

I write great stories that must be told to immerse my readers in new worlds of wondrous possibility.

My historical fiction set in medieval Spain is published under the name J. K. Knauss, and my magical contemporary fiction under Jessica Knauss.

Mis libros salen también en español—com livros escolhidos em português.

I live in lovely, historical Zamora, Spain.

Check out my blog, Medium, and Facebook for posts and pictures about this wonderful place!


Newly discovered paintings that tell an epic story! Read all about it here.

La presentación final de una gira muy bonita por España. ¡Nos vemos para la próxima novela!

Get the epic novella Empress of Misfortune at select outlets. Or sign up for my author newsletter and read this heart-wrenching tale for free. It’s also available in audiobook and softcover!